Comics - focus Wolverine

I grew up reading Wolverine comics. He is ruthless, raw and a beast. He is a lone wolf and in many ways I am too. Somehow I reconize myself in his ways of doing stuff.

This is one of my favorite covers of wolverine, its by Lionel Francis Yu.
Below is some other wonderful shots.

Jean Grey. She has the phonix force and has died a couple of times. Changing her peronality more and more. Enough said. She is hot. I especially like the style on the last picture of her.

Storm. She is just bad ass and hot!

Nigthcrawler. This guy is awesome. He can teleport himself and others with him leaving a trail of pimp purple/pink smoke.

X-23 - Famale clone of Wolverine.. Bad ass!

Spider-Man .. Awesome...

 This is basicly all the things I love from comics. This show what kind of style and anatomy I like on the characters.

Some brainstorming ideas. Subtle/minor details:
The text "bamf" like in one of the nightcrawler pictures, with some purple smoke and maybe a part of his tail?. Only people that has read x-men comics will know what that is.